Hospital Gown(12)


 Hospital Gown

A hospital gown, also called a "Johnny Gown" is "a long loose piece of clothing worn in a hospital by someone doing or having an operation.It can be used as clothing for bedridden patients.


Hospital gowns worn by patients are designed so that hospital staff can easily access the part of the patient's body being treated. The hospital gown is made of fabric that can withstand repeated  laundering in hot water, usually cotton, and is fastened at the back with twill tape ties. Disposable hospital gowns may be made of paper or thin plastic, with paper or plastic ties.

Some gowns have snaps along the top of the shoulder and sleeves, so that the gown can be removed without disrupting intravenous lines in the patient's arms. Used paper hospital gowns are associated with hospital infections, which could be avoided by proper disposal.


Many patients feel that hospital gowns are unfashionable, and in  2010 Diane von Furstenberg was commissioned to design stylish hospital gowns based on her fashionable wrap dress by a Cleveland clinic.

Joel Sherman in his blog "Adolescent Boys and Genital Exams Reducing Embarrassment" says it is quite common for many teenage boys to be upset when changing into a hospital gown, especially if the wearer associates the look of the gown to women's clothing, women's nightgowns, or lingerie.

According to the BBC, in England hospital gowns are made much more modestly, taking patient dignity into consideration

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